Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Pandangan negatif bahwa Indonesia yang besar dan kaya ini tidak dapat makmur sejahtera atau maju, padahal telah merdeka sejak 62 tahun yang lalu, karena ketidakmampuan manajerial, terkikis jika mencermati pelaksanaan Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (MUSRENBANGNAS) dari tanggal 6 hingga 9 Mei 2008 di Jakarta. Dari sisi jalannya acara, dapat terlihat betapa siapnya Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) sebagai penyelenggara mengatur lokasi, waktu, bahan-bahan maupun teknis dan administrasi per kegiatan. Sedangkan dari sisi substansi, dirasakan semua pihak bahwa Musrenbangnas kali ini telah sejalan dengan hasil-hasil Musrenbang Provinsi. Artinya tidak terjadi kesia-siaan dengan perencanaan dan kegiatan di daerah, serta Musrenbangnas ini menghasilkan kesepakatan pusat-daerah sehingga langkah selanjutnya adalah implementasi perencanaan-perencanaan tersebut.

Musrenbangnas merupakan salah satu tahap yang harus dilalui dalam proses penyusunan rencana pembangunan jangka panjang (RPJP), jangka menengah (RPJM), dan tahunan (RKP). RKP memuat prioritas pembangunan, rancangan kerangka ekonomi makro dan pendanaan, indikasi program Kementerian/Lembaga (K/L), program lintas K/L dan program lintas wilayah. Selanjutnya K/L menyusun Rencana Kerja (Renja) K/L sebagai bahan penyempurnaan Rancangan Awal RKP. Untuk menyempurnakan Rancangan Akhir RKP diselenggarakanlah Musrenbangnas. Fokus kegiatannya ialah persandingan Renja-K/L dengan Usulan Pendanaan Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) dalam mengupayakan pencapaian sasaran prioritas pembangunan nasional.

Sistem Perencanaan Nasional tercermin dalam Sistem Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (SAKIP) yang diamanatkan Inpres nomor 7 tahun 1999. Sasaran SAKIP ialah menjadikan instansi pemerintah yang akuntabel sehingga dapat beroperasi secara efisien, efektif, responsif terhadap aspirasi masyarakat dan lingkungannya. Perencanaan terbagi ke dalam 2 (dua) struktur, yaitu perencanaan kinerja dan perencanaan anggaran. Perencanaan kinerja dimulai setelah RPJM ditetapkan, K/L membuat Rencana Strategik (Renstra) 5 (lima) tahun, yaitu suatu proses perencanaan yang berorientasi pada hasil yang ingin dicapai dalam jangka menengah dengan memperhatikan potensi, peluang, dan kendala yang ada atau mungkin timbul. Kemudian setiap tahun K/L membuat Rencana Kinerja Tahunan (RKT), yaitu suatu proses penyusunan kegiatan dan indikator kinerja yang disusun berdasarkan sasaran, kebijakan dan program yang telah ditetapkan dalam Rencana Strategik. Sebagai penutup disusunlah Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (LAKIP), yaitu pelaporan kinerja yang menyampaikan hasil pengukuran pencapaian kinerja dan pencapaian sasaran instansi pemerintah, yang dikaitkan dengan Rencana Kinerja Tahunan dan Rencana Strategik yang telah ditetapkan. Setiap unit kerja harus mempertanggungjawabkan dan menjelaskan keberhasilan dan/atau kegagalan tingkat kinerja yang dicapainya.

Perencanaan anggaran berawal dari K/L membuat Rencana Kerja (Renja-K/L) yang akan menjadi pertimbangan turunnya Pagu indikatif. Setelah dilakukan sinkronisasi Renja, Pagu sementara turun melalui Surat Edaran Bersama (SEB) Menteri Keuangan dan Bappenas. Lalu dibuatlah Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran (RKA) yang menjadi dasar keluarnya Pagu definitif dan menjadi Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA) Kementerian/Lembaga.

Monitoring pun dilengkapi dengan PP nomor 39 tahun 2006 tentang tata cara pengendalian dan evaluasi pelaksanaan rencana pembangunan. Monitoring dan Evaluasi (MONEV) dilaksanakan dalam rangka mencapai sasaran dan tujuan pembangunan secara efisien dan efektif, perubahan sikap para pelaksana pembangunan untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi merupakan hal yang mutlak diperlukan. Monitoring kinerja juga dilakukan dalam 2 semester, dimana didalamnya terdapat komponen Pengukuran Kinerja Kegiatan (PKK) dan Pengukuran Pencapaian Sasaran (PPS). Kementerian PAN pun sedang menunggu pengesahan Presiden untuk melengkapi dokumen SAKIP dengan Penetapan Kinerja (PK) yang merupakan kontrak kerja antara pejabat eselon II kepada eselon I, dan eselon I kepada Menteri.

Mencermati berbagai perangkat perencanaan yang telah dirancang di Republik ini, optimisme pasti akan mencuat. Sejak proses awal hingga akhir perencanaan telah memiliki sistem maupun dokumentasi pelaksanaan dan monitoring yang lengkap dan jelas. Mekanisme monitoring pun komplit, baik monitoring pelaksanaan secara substantif maupun monitoring anggaran. Bagian terakhir setelah perencanaan dan monitoring adalah pengawasan terhadap pelanggaran. Secara internal, oleh inspektorat jenderal masing-masing, eksternal dari Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) maupun komisi yang bertanggungjawab langsung kepada Presiden yaitu Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK). Pengawasan yang sangat ketat ini dapat menekan bahkan diharapkan menghilangkan penyelewengan terhadap keuangan negara maupun pelanggaran lainnya.

Jika semua telah direncanakan dan berjalan dengan baik, output yang jelas seharusnya merupakan keberhasilan. Pada satu sisi dapat dilihat secara ekstreem bahwa kemacetan dan sering terjadinya pemadaman listrik merupakan dampak langsung pembangunan yang meningkatkan kemampuan rakyat. Taraf hidup rakyat meningkat sehingga konsumsi pun melonjak.

Isu selanjutnya ialah pemerataan, dalam hal ini pun Indonesia tengah berbenah dengan sistem otonomi daerah dan sistem anggaran yang tidak lagi berat di pusat. APBN 1 di tingkat propinsi dan APBN 2 pada kabupaten/kota mendapat porsi besar dalam belanja pembangunan. Pemekaran daerah yang sesuai dengan konstitusi dan proporsional pun meningkatkan roda ekonomi dan kesejahteraan daerah-daerah tersebut. Secara umu segala hal yang dapat diantisipasi dari segi perencanaan telah terdapat solusinya. Republik Indonesia telah mengalami banyak kemajuan setelah reformasi 1998. Tingginya harga minya mentah serta krisis pangan dunia berpotensi memicu krisis besar kembali seperti 10 tahun yang lalu. Namun pembenahan yang telah dilakukan serta perencanaan yang semakin sempurna dapat menghindarkan Indonesia dari bencana serupa. Fakta memperlihatkan dalam 2 tahun terakhir harga minyak mentah dunia naik 100%, namun sistem ekonomi dan keuangan negara masih mampu mengantisipasinya. Opsi yang tidak populer yaitu menaikkan harga BBM pun (dan telah dilakukan 2 kali semasa pemerintahan SBY-JK) ternyata menguji kedewasaan berpolitik bangsa yang telah membaik. Rakyat sudah dapat menilai dengan lebih jelas dengan adanya kebebasan pers, semua bebas mengemukakan pendapat, tetapi kebebasan ini secara nyata mencerminkan transparansi. Kebijakan pemerintah tidak lagi top-down secara otoriter, walaupun garis-garis utama prioritas pembangunan tetap dari pusat, namun masukan serta kebutuhan daerah menjadi insi utama dari pembangunan. Ketika anggaran negara menjadi terlalu besar untuk subsidi (Rp. 250 Trilyun dari total Rp. 900 Trilyun sementara Rp. 100 Trilyun untuk membayar pokok hutang dan bunga) belanja pembangunan menjadi minim dan roda perekonomian akan berjalan terlalu pelan jika tidak terhenti. Inilah yang menjadi pertimbangan rakyat ditengah upaya optimal pemerintah (termasuk pemotongan 15% anggaran Kementerian/Lembaga) walaupun belum dapat dikatakan maksimal.

Bencana dapat datang kapan dan dimana saja, tanpa antisipasi perencanaan, malapetaka yang muncul. Namun dengan perencanaan yang baik, dampak dari bencana tersebut dapat diminimalisasi bahkan dihindarkan. Republik ini telah memiliki segala instrument perencanaan yang jika semua bekerja dan bekerjasama dengan baik, maka cita-cita nasional masyarakat adil, makmur sejahtera hanya tinggal menunggu waktu untuk diwujudkan. Semoga.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

From Crisis to Opportunity

The ferocious rise of oil price and the food crisis nowadays haunted the global world with another huge pressure fro succeeding MDG’s and maintaining growth. The biggest problem lays on how will the LDC’s survive this crisis. Even though overall seems like all party suffering from this phenomena (even the superpower USA with the weakening of USD and the financial crisis caused by subprime mortgage), but its not always like that. There are some MNC have gain a lot of profit from this crisis, and if they are doing nothing for the suffering side, borrowing term from President SBY ‘this is immoral’.

From Indonesia’s point of view, the rise of oil price is a very heavy burden for National Budget. Indonesia’s Finance Minister, Sri Mulyani, even had to revised APBN very early (on February) and this revised budget need to be revised again concerning the very high subsidy because of the very high rise of oil price. Vice President, Jusuf Kalla, explaining that Indonesia budget for 2009 is nearly Rp. 900 Trillion, but Rp. 100 Trillion use for paying debt and its interest and Rp. 250 Trillion goes for subsidy. It means only 55% from the APBN that use for development. If the oil price continue to rising, the subsidy will get bigger and the budget will hold no more, its going to collapse.

At the early 80’s our country will celebrate if there is any rise of oil price, because those day we produce more than we consumed (it shows on daily traffic jam and the shortages of electricity). But now we imported around 300 thousand barrel per day, because this rich country only able to produce only around 900 thousand barrel per day while we needed more than 1200 barrel per day. That’s why the government urged the conversion of kerosene to LPG. This kerosene will cost government to subsidized Rp. 6000 per liter, while the use ½ kg LPG equal to 1 litter of kerosene, and government only subsidized LPG Rp. 2000/kg. Beside this conversion, government also doing efficiency from all sector, including the 15% cut (now revised to 10%) from all Department/Institution budget. Another program to deal with the increasing of oil price, government will increase oil production without forgetting the need of the future generation. And this week the government also consider increasing the fuel price. This option will followed by grant of BLT plus, and the Government sure that this will be better for the poor, because subside that now being implemented were more benefiting the rich. BLT it self was not allocated to make people lazy, the premise was not all people who work will have enough money for just daily living. Tukang ojek, angkot drivers, even teachers who have worked all day were still live under the line of poor, they have occupation but just not enough. For the unemployment, the program of PNPM Mandiri were already prepared, this will absorb workers, and endure the burden or people as a whole. PNPM Mandiri will empowered peoples at the rural area and support small enterprises. Undeniable, this was an irony, Indonesia that were so rich with natural resource, have 220 million population and 63 years of Independence still suffer with crisis that we do have the antidote. Also an irony when traffic jam, famine and electricity cut off were the immediate impact of growth, the negative result of development.

It’s a fact that fuel price in Indonesia was the cheapest on region. At one side Indonesian people supposed to be not too spoiled by hoping always get subsidized by government policy. But at the other hand the government cannot just take a wild comparison with other countries, because the level of wealth were different one another. It’s also a fact that at the provinces who have oil refinery will get windfall because the increasing of oil price. The local government had to used it well for developing their province, and the central government had to exercise the mechanism that already being made to create fairness in all provinces in this thousands islands country..

About the food crisis, Indonesia’s thankfully did not affected by this. Our food system still solid, we have abundant fertile land, lots of farmers, we have the supporting industry for farming, we just have problem from the growth rate of population vice versa the decreasing of land use for farming. From national production of 33 million tons, 3% lost/year because of the growth rate and land use, that means 1 million ton and we import 1 million for back-up. Vice President, Jusuf Kalla, urging that we had to increase our production 2 million tons per years. This food crisis also happen because the effect of development. People getting rich, they demanded more and more on quality, quantity and various kind of food. Its raising also because the diversified energy, bio-fuel as the alternative of energy that environment friendly causing the price of food commodity increasing. Countries like Indonesia have a tendency to limited the export of food commodity, this means international market demand more, while the world supply stay constant.

All of the crisis that happened Indonesia had the goods and had the answer. What we had to do just synchronizing perspective, distribute information equally and hold the spirit of willing to help one another. The grand design of APBN 2009 is to reduce the burden of people with still maintaining the momentum of growth. Indonesia will never be a poor country, we do have the natural resources and the human resources, we just need to manage all more carefully. And that must be done so we can turn crisis to becoming opportunity.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Cape Town; The vacation that you wish to never end.

That title is valid when you do have a lot of money to afford all of Cape Town can offer to you. Some said ‘Money can’t buy happiness’ but it surely can bring joy in Cape Town. At the colonial era this harbor town is used to be a storehouse or stop by of the Dutch East India Company before goes to Far East (Indonesia). They controlled all of their East colonials’ area from Batavia, and in 1652 the company established the first European settlement in South Africa on the Cape of Good Hope. Brilliant, they pick a very astonishing spot. This town is on the middle of surrounding mountain and seashore, just like a bowl. Perfect terrain for defensive combating, superb region for viewing, relaxing and enjoying yourself.

The first day I get here, one of my colleague on the Indonesian consulate very nicely pick me up from the airport and take me to the Table Mountain, but before that I surely had to say hello to the Consulate, so they take me to Indonesian Residence. And to go to Table Mountain you have to be really lucky if you just got only few days in Cape Town, because this one of the must seen tourist destinations is not always open to visit. When the weather is not fine, then they will shut the road to the peak. I’m lucky, and I have my chance to experience the marvelous view of the town from the Mountain, and take a ride with Cableway (similar like ‘Kereta Gantung’ in Jakarta, but bigger and it rotate) to the top of that rocky mountain. Before went the lodge to get rest, I have a chance to go to one of the mall in town that near the shore, Waterfront.

The next day, by using the service of local driver (and he used Global Positioning System –Man, that’s cool) first stop of the day was Boulders Beach. Here, I can see African Penguin, so cute and they doesn’t afraid of us, even they seems to enjoying also to be able to see human crowd.

(picture: at the center back
male penguin : Hey honey, look at the man with red shirt, is he handsome?
female penguin : Hmm..i prefer the 25th years old with blue stripes shirt!
male penguin : What?! How do you know he is 25th?
female penguin : Ups..ok hun…let me give you my kiss!!
both penguins : Cup….)

Next Stop was the Cape Point, The Cape of Good Hope, if you want to walk to the peak tower it’s about 1,5 hours return. But I take the train to the top, its only 35 rand (US$ 6), at the peak I can see exactly where the two Oceans meet, Atlantic Ocean on my right and the Indian Ocean on my left. They said, if you have hopes, and you wish it here, then all will be come true. But my girl said, “no hun its musyrik”. She was right, this whole universe is belong to the Almighty, wherever and whenever you wish, whatever it is if God approved of then all will come true. At this peak, there was also a direction sign, how far is New York, New Delhi, Berlin, and other big town in the world. Stunning view, I just look at as far as I can, no boundaries, no limits, Thank You God for giving me the chance of living.

Next was Houd Bay. But just before reaching it, on the Chapman’s Peak Road, there was some baboons. Don’t feed them, otherwise they will encircle your car. At one part of Houd Bay you will find series of cannon, pointing directly to the sea, those were old cannon for town defenses. Not far from there, a restaurant appeared, it’s called ‘Fish on The Rock’, I order a shrimp, calamari, fish and chips, complete (you’ll never find this much and tasty food in Harare).

Next day was a historical journey, the main destination is ‘Kampung Makasar’, but before went there because that day was sunday, flea market were open, and its called Green Point. To make the contrast of it after flea market, they take me to Van Gate Mall. This mall is unique because most of the visitor was Moslem, and the population of Moslem in Cape Town is quite a lot. And maybe this was because Syeikh Yusuf, one of the National Hero of South Africa (I barely just found out either). He went to Cape Town in 1694 because the Dutch isolation along with 49 of his family and followers. Here he spread out and teach Islam, he build the Maccasar, and become the symbol of struggle to against apartheid. I happened to have an opportunity to pray at the Mosque that build by Indonesian Government closed to Syeikh Yusuf tomb. After that historical attached place, next tourist spot was Spier. A garden where you can see Cheetah (and you can also take picture with that predators), Eagle and small lake to hang around. Oom Sami was next stop before went to the biggest shopping mall in Town, Canal Walk. Oom Sami was a souvenir shop with oldies decoration, but the prices there was too expensive for me. Near Canal Walk, there you will also seen Ratangga, some kind of Disneyland or Fantasi World, and indeed this mall was so huge, but nothing exceptional when you came from ‘mall town’ like Jakarta.

To be continued….

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Unbelievable (Inflation) Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe since 2007 experience a massive pressure on their economic field. Imagine how can the statistic told that the inflation is up about tens thousand percent per month. I can describe it this way, if on Monday you bought a bowl of Pangsit Noodle worth Rp. 3.000, and forgot to pay, tomorrow it will cost you Rp. 3.500, the day after tomorrow it will become Rp. 4.500, don’t wait until the end of the month, cause the “Abang Pangsit” will charge you ten times more expensive!!!

Zimbabwe currency is Zim Dollar, officially the government set the rate of ZIM$ 30.000 per US$ 1. But do you know how much is one loaf of bread cost in maket, it’s ZIM$ 1.000.000, which means that not so yummy bread is equivalent with US$ 33,3, if you times with Rp. 9.450 per US$ you will find that just for a loaf of bread you have to pay Rp. 314.685! Shocking! Before I left Indonesia on the last week of October, I noticed that one loaf of sweet bread only cost Rp. 6.000, I will have 52 loaf with that kind of exchange rate. But no worries, in the black market, US$ 1 is worth ZIM$ 1.000.000 (this is on the 1st month I’m in Harare, nowadays it has increase to 1,9 million ZIM$). One Problem solved! Never think that way, when you are in Zimbabwe (or even Africa). Yes, you do had the money, but you wont get what you need. The supermarket –and for your information there is no small shop (warung or asongan) in harare– is empty! How come??? Let me tell you…

Once upon a time in Zimbabwe, when the prices was going mad, the government going wild. They applied a cruel policy (for the sellers), that is price cut on June. They enter the shop, see the price label, call the manager and simply just said “cut this price into half of it” (i think if you are selling whit Chinese method, you will still be ok), and then the official wandering, “hmm..if I just cut this item for half its price then I don’t have enough money to buy another things that I want” so they will say “ok, if you don’t want to get jail, make the price of this item…..(they just say what they wanted to be…)” Shocking is it?

There was also a story about an Indian car dealer. Someday a bunch of government officials come to his showroom, you supposed to be think that the car dealer is happy because lot of costumer come. At the beginning maybe he was happy when the officials ask how much the car worth. Presume this way, one Avanza is worth US$ 10.000 (Avanza do exist in Zimbabwe), this dealer have 10 Avanza left to sell, and the officials said they will buy all of it. What a happy day, but suddenly when the officials start saying “ok…US$ 100.000 times 30.000 equal three billion ZIM$” WHAT! Counted your self. (hmm..lazy reader, ok I will count it for you that’s means the poor car seller only receive US$ 3.000, not enough if he just wants to buy 1 Avanza for himself back home in Bombay)

No one here is dare to against the Government, the President Robert Gabriel Mugabe, the ruling party ZANU-PF, and of course the army. At the time of independence struggle, they all fight for minority rule of white people’s, they demand black’s majority rule. They do rule now, but without (as long as my understanding) rule of law. I don’t know how this peoples can last this kind of condition, some one or in fact everyone must wake-up. As Harper Lee (the author of to kill a Mockingbird) once said the one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.

That’s the negative side, but in every story you will find two sides that contrasting. For instance is my need (even basic need) to be in touch with my family (my lovely Marisha). The first two week was horrible because Telecommunication Corporation in Zimbabwe doesn’t make SIM card no more. So you can only find that SIM card on the Black Market, and it cost US$ 60. Crab! In Jakarta with that amount of money I will get 60 SIM Card! But anyway, finally I get this lousy SIM Card, and I don’t care how much it cost as long as I can hear my mom, dad, sisters and my girlfriend voice. Every night I called, at first it just for 30 minutes or an hour, but when I received the bill for this first month…. Hey, why do I hold back! After that I called every time I wanted, one hour, two hours, even all night long, that’s fine to me. (do you anxious why…or how much that bill showed?? One time I ask my girl to guest, how much my bill? She said “ok, hun, from now on you don’t have to called me, just email me”, I ask again, “just guest how much?” “a thousand dollar, ok I will pay half of it”, that’s why she is my dream girl, so sweet and caring. Well it only US$ 60, that is a lot amount of money when you consider it with Jakarta’s standard, but my wages that I earned as junior diplomat is more than enough for that.)
Though. That’s a perfect word to describe how life in Zimbabwe is right now. Food scarce, power cuts, fuel shortages, long queuing for cash, bread, milk, HIV/AIDS problem, brain drain, you mentioned it. So don’t say that you have a though life when you don’t experienced any of this. Just don’t. Sometimes when you get too comfee (comfortable), you’ll find yourself a bit of spoiled, as I do. Moreover if you are in the perfect surrounding that nothing seems goes wrong. I don’t want to believe what Simone de Beauvoir said about “What is an adult? A child blown up by age.” Child do not know responsibility, and as far as I consider my self an adult, I will take responsibility. I’ll help my self to help others. Like the Secretary of the Embassy of Indonesia in Harare, Zimbabwe often said.. "How can i help you sir/mam?"

Two cute little Sisters...

Ega Dwi Maresthy
(29 Maret 1987)


Prilly Priscillia Harventhy
(15 April 1995)

Imagine how happy i am with them around....

Putri Marisha Faruk

Direct and Honest

The first time I see her it was nearly nothing came to mind that I dare to even think will she be mine. So lovely, cheerful, no one will ever get bored around her. In fact I never get to introduce my self to her properly. In this phase I let destiny do their things, and it happened. Moment by moment, incident by incident, coincident that match, until all becomes smile by smile.

30 April 2007

Never thought she would return my feelings, but never doubt my feelings will bring sorrow to me. This day we both promise to care each other, take a good care of each other. And this care blossom, even though it had to through tears and pain eventually the results is always happiness.


I remember.....

when all the things was going wrong....

i always come to them, share with them,

and finally find comfort on them.

Institution that derive from God,

sacred and strong, abundant of lesson

and full of happiness

May our family always be our place to come home.

Mother's Day Poem

Tak kusangka waktu begitu cepat berlalu
Dulu ia mengizinkanku berlari kesana-kemari tanpa henti
Kini aku berlari dengan tujuan yang pasti

Dulu ketika lelah berlari aku akan berbaring dalam peluknya
Kini kepastian justru membuatku jauh darinya

Dulu ia mebuatku malu karena tak pernah ingin jauh dariku
Kini aku rindu sekedar ingin menggenggam tangannya

Aku rindu ibuku
Sosok lembut dengan kehangatan yang menentramkan

Teringat saat angin berhembus keras menghantam pilar-pilar istana kami
Senyumnya meyakinkan kami bahwa angin akan berlalu dan istana kami tetap berdiri

Teringat saat berbagai bunga tumbuh mekar berwarna-warni di halaman
Senyumnya menyadarkan kami untuk tidak terlarut dalam semusim

Dia yang tertawa terakhir
Dia yang menangis terakhir

Ya…aku rindu ibuku
Ketika senyumnya tak lagi dapat kunikmati
Ketika suaranya tak lagi dapat kudengar
Ketika aromanya tak lagi dapat kucium

Ketika keningku berkerut tanpa kecupannya
Ketika rambutku pun kusut tanpa belaiannya
Dan Ketika tubuhku lunglai tanpa pelukannya

Tak kusangka waktu begitu cepat berlalu
Dulu ia menjagaku sejak kuterbangun hingga kuterlelap
Kini aku tak akan terlelap sebelum ibu tersenyum dalam istirahatnya

Dulu hingga kapapan pun kasih sayang ibu tak kan pernah memudar
Kini hingga kapan pun aku tak kan membiarkannya memudar

Aku rindu Ibuku

dody harendro